10 Ways to Help Your Child Do Well in Exams

Parents and their children are bound to lose control during the exam period. Even if the child would take ten minutes, the parents would create a ruckus because of the elongated duration of the break. However, the parents are required to understand that their children need their support and not the constant nudging reminder from their end to study.

Endearing support during the exam can work wonders. It doesn’t matter whether it’s just about lending a patient ear or making sure that they keep away from online distractions will surely help them to guide them in the right direction. Browse down to check other options to extend support to your child during the exam season.

Work according to exam schedule
Parents are occupied with their household and office work, but it is important to take time out from your busy schedule. It wouldn’t be appropriate to leave the exam preparation entirely on your children. Some advance planning will help to balance things out. Keep a tab on the exam schedule. To do so, get a printout and pin it up on a noticeable item. If required, keep a soft copy of the schedule.

Avoid arguments
Kids are bound to make mistakes during the exams, so making it worse with a row will shift their focus from exams to other irrelevant stuff. Try and avoid prolonged arguments during the exam session since they need to focus on exams. It comes under the parents' surveillance to make sure that their kids focus entirely on exams and not on other things.

Have meals together
The parents should make sure that their kids take a break from their bedroom during mealtime. It comes under their custody to keep the conversation at the dining table light enough to make their kid feel refreshed. 

Avoid stressful conversation
Parents have to deal with a lot of challenges in life to dwell in society. However, those challenges shouldn’t be conveyed to kids during the exam session. It disturbs their mind and puts a lot of stress on them. It is important for the child to be calm before the exam as a stressful conversation can withdraw their attention from the exams.

Help them with their lessons
Constant revision and test enhance the memory of the subject matter. The parents’ can help their kids with their revision and take oral tests to help them figure out their mistakes. This will also help them to fathom their progress in preparation plan. The CBSE schools near electronic city Bangalore arrange parents-teacher meetings to discuss the exams and the challenges faced by the children.

Timely meal intake
Kids often get so involved during the study hours that they forget to eat and drink enough water. The parents have to keep a check on their meal intake so that they do not fall sick during the crucial preparation phase of the exam session.

Digital distractions should be at bay
In today’s time keeping your hands off from the social networking sites is very difficult for the kids. But, it becomes important to keep a watch on their usage of electronic gadgets during the exam time. It is suggested to install parental controls on the devices.

Initiate pron providing incentives
To keep your child motivated by giving them small incentives. In order to accomplish this, the parent may assign tasks to the child and on completion of the same, the parents may take their child for an outing or even for a family dinner. This will lower the pressure.

Listen to them
It’s important to listen to your children. Asking about their exam will help to vent out their pressure. Pointing out their mistake is acceptable, but blaming to a great extent will harm their confidence so it should be avoided.

Proper sleeping schedule should be encouraged
Keep a check on the child’s timetable to ensure that they get a proper night’s sleep. A nap should be avoided. A proper night’s sleep will help to calm their nerves and would surely keep them alert on the exam day.

The exam season involves teamwork preparation. DPS E city is one of the Top CBSE Schools in Electronic city bangalore. Both the parents and the child have to coordinate well enough to prepare well for the exams. 


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